Catalogue of Czech Television Programmes

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Soukromá muzea

This is a documentary series about private collections owned by enthusiasts who collect interesting exhibits of all kinds. In the individual parts we can visit and admire the collections at the museum of dolls, postcards, clocks, nativity scenes and others 1. Museum of Clocks 2. Film Museum 3. Museum of Musical Instruments 4. Museum of Dolls and Teddy-bears 5. Museum of Wooden Toys 6. Museum of Postcards 7. Museum of Minerals 8. Museum of Motorcycles 9. Praga Automobile Museum, 10. Museum of Nativity Scenes 11. Electric Current Museum 12. Šumava Railway Museum 13. Technology and Crafts Museum 14. Miller Museum 15. Lace Museum 16. Gingerbread Museum 17. Beer Brewery Museum 18. Museum of Radio Receivers 19. Museum of Stoves 20. Marionette Museum 21. Museum of Toys 22. Typewriter Museum 23. Fire Brigade Museum 24. Museum of Music Machines 25. Koralek Museum ( Museum of Glass Beads) 26. Silesian Museum 27. Museum of Veteran Vehicles 28. Museum of Railway-track Cars 29. Museum of Airplanes 30. Museum of Paper Nativity Scenes 31. Museum of Household Irons 32. Railway Museum 33. Museum of Merkur Building Sets 34. Museum of Army Uniforms 35. Museum of Cycling 36. Museum of Wax Figureens 37. Auto-Moto Museum 38. Šumava Beer Brewery Museum 39. Museum of Horse Harnesses and Carriage Lamps 40. Museum of Torture 41. Confectionery Museum 42. Alchemy


SD | 42 x 10´ | © 2006-2008

director(s): Jaroslav Bouma
producer(s): Czech Television
scriptwriter(s): Jana Divišová
director of photography: Antonín Daňhel

rights available: TV, Video, Internet
original language: Czech
other data: m/e track 11-42 parts

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